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Ladies and Gents!
The August meeting will be held at Empyrean Brewing’s  Loading Dock . 7:00 pm is the start time. Be there or be square!


Thursday, July 2nd, 6:30 pm
Location: BBQ4U
1501 Center Park Rd. Suite 100
Lincoln, NE 68512 (402) 464-2152

Directions: Take 10th or 27th Street to Nebraska Hwy 2. Take Hwy 2 to S. 14th Street and head south, past Pioneers to Center Park Road. Head east to 1501, Suite 100. Come hungry. Bring your home-brew. :-P

Discuss this meeting on the Forum!

Stay tuned for August’s meeting at Lazlo’s!

We’re less than a week away from the event of the season: The Lincoln Lagers 2009 Nebraska Brew Tour! We’re going to SchillingBridge, Nebraska Brewing Co, and Beer Corner USA. More details can be found in the forum. Check it out! As press time, we still have a few seats left. Write me today and reserve yours! Oh, and yes we will have bbus1eer and doorprizes on the bus!
President Josh said to tell everybody we’ll be meeting at his house in May on the 16th, a Saturday. Come over around six, bring some brew and some food for the potluck. And if you want, earlier that day we’ll be doing a little group brew. We’ll try to get mashing around 9:30 am. Come see what all grain is all about, you new brewers. Let josh know if you’re coming to brew at

I apologize for the downtime.

The forums are down, and won’t be back up at least for a few hours, possibly a day or two.

EDIT 4/14: FORUMS ARE BACK UP. You will need to re-register your account.

Continue reading

From the March newsletter mailing…

Thursday, April 2nd, at 7pm.

Madsen’s Bowling & Billiards, 4700 Dudley. ( map ) ( Madsen’s website )

If anyone has any topics they’d like to talk about at the meeting, head on over to the Lagers Forum to share your ideas. :)

The Monks are releasing their latest offering, St. Meinrad’s Quad Ale!


The release party is next Wednesday evening, March 11th 2009, at the Bread & Cup at 6:30pm.

There will be a special menu prepared to compliment all of the delicious flavors one will find while drinking a St. Meinrad. Here are a few of the special offerings Bread and Cup will have (along with their normal Fabulous Menu):

  • Confit Duck Legs $7
  • Crispy Bone Marrow $8
  • Roasted Chicken Wings $6
    -spicy peanut
    -sweet sesame
  • Flatbread with Serrano, Manchego & Quince $8

A word of caution for those that are not as prompt as others, the last time we had a release party, the kegs were empty in two and a half hours. Come join the Brothers for uncommonly good food and drink!

More info, visit the Modern Monks Blog or visit Bread & Cup.

Thursday, March 5th, 7:00 pm
1501 Center Park Rd. Suite 100
Lincoln, NE 68512 (402) 464-2152

Directions: Take 10th or 27th Street to Nebraska Hwy 2. Take Hwy 2 to S. 14th Street and head south, past Pioneers to Center Park Road. Head east to 1501, Suite 100. Come hungry. Bring your home-brew. :-P

On the agenda: Thermometer calibration. Bring in your thermometers and let’s see how close we are…

Next time you’re in Yia Yia’s, be sure to tell them what an awesome idea it is to have such a kick-ass beer list to help you decide which one of 300 beers you wanna drink! ;-)

Good news, we are finishing our transition away from the “temporary” domain name,, that we’ve been using during the new site implementation.

Bad news, there might be a short downtime during the switch-out. This could mean that the blog and/or forum may be inaccessible for a short amount of time. We do not anticipate any problems, and in a worst-case scenario, downtime should be less than 2 days.

I’ll keep you all updated here on the blog. Any questions, feel free to email Chris. Thanks! :)

Update! The transition is complete, and all content should be finished with its migration.

The blog theme is currently broken, I’m working to wrestle that back into place. The rest of it should be working.

THANK YOU ALL for your patience during the transition. If you see things that still refer to the old domain name, please send me a comment on this post, or email me, or contact me the forum. Thanks guys!!

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