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Thanks to all who joined in on this year’s bus trip!

The Lincoln Lager Home Brew Club’s annual bus trip took place on Sat., Jan. 25, 2020. This year’s target cities were Elkhorn, Sioux City and Norfolk.

We stopped first at the Jukes Ale Works in Elkhorn, then made our way to Sioux City and visited Marto Brewing. The third and final stop was Divots Brewery in Norfolk. Excellent food and brew!

We met up in Lincoln at the Indian Village parking lot on 13th & High Streets. The bus left at 8 a.m. sharp and returned around 10 p.m. On the bus, we shared lots of home brew, commercial brew and tasty snacks. Thanks to Arrow Stage Lines the bus was equipped with a rest room and plenty of screens tuned to movies and music.

This was one of the best beer events ever experienced by the 27 in attendance and no doubt the most beer fun ever experienced on a bus!

The prices for club members was $35. Tickets for the general public were available for only $45. Hey! It pays to be a member!

Check back here, the Brewsletter and  Facebook for updates for 2021! Cheers!

(plus a small PayPal fee applicable to online orders)

$35 ($36.25) – 2020 Lincoln Lagers Club Members
$45 ($46.75) – Non-member guests
$60 ($62.00) – 2020 Membership AND a Bus Seat

If you have any questions or comments, please email Kim or Jason!

Choose your Ticket
Bus Rider’s Name:
Phone Number:

Want to buy multiple tickets?

Just click “Continue shopping >” at the top of PayPal’s shopping cart!
The window will close, and you can use this form to add additional tickets to your Cart.

You can even go over to Current Members and add your club dues to your shopping cart, and pay for everything all at once!
Once you’ve added everything you want to your PayPal cart, go to Check Out and finish the process on their web page.

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