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Presenting the 2017…


Boiler Brewing Co. Scale-Up Competition

All Mini BOS-finalist Specialty beer entries are automatically advanced to the Scale-Up competition!
The eligible 2015 BJCP categories include: Beers entered in 21, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, and 34 – and all Specialty Meads and all Specialty Ciders!

The fine print version is that:
1) Boiler will evaluate all Specialty beer/mead/cider entries that make it to a mini-BOS in their category, and will choose their favorite beer.
2) If chosen, you must provide your detailed recipe and mash schedule prior to the scale-up brew.
3) Boiler Brewing will collaborate with the winning homebrewer to scale up their recipe, making every effort to reproduce the beer as faithfully as practical.
4) Boiler will contact you directly to coordinate scheduling your brew-day.
5) Boiler will supply ingredients and labor to brew your scale-up batch, but the travel costs/lodging/accommodations for the winning brewer are on their own dime.

To enter your beer in this contest, head on over to:


Congratulations to our past Boiler Scale-Up winners!

2016 – Tom Mendick – “Because Reasons” Cherry-Limeade Blonde Ale

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