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Mr. Josh Ames is our new president for 2009. Running on a “don’t let your meat loaf” platform, he promised that “Change in the Lincoln Lagers doesn’t start from the top down. It starts from the bottom up… just like those little bubbles rise to make a foamy head, I can be foamy too.” Terry Schwimmer will continue on as club treasurer and Chris Evans – with continued support from Brian Allison and Kim Theesen – will work on the website. Kim T. will also revise the Brew News schedule to a quarterly publication starting with March’s issue.

Thanks goes out to former El Presidente Jim Hust for his service in 2008 and to Brian & Janet Allison for hosting the January meeting. Lots of food and good beveages were enjoyed by all. For a complete run down on who brought what, check out the Lincoln Lagers forum. Oh, and it’s time to renew your membership! Contact Schwimbo and send him your money – Still only $25. Or you can give it to him at the FeBREWary meeting. Watch this blog for more details!

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