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Lincoln Lagers Leftover Sower’s Cup Beer Social & Monthly Meeting!

Sunday, Nov. 7, 2:00 – 6:00 p.m.

Are you all ready to meet in person and drink some homebrew? It’s time to combine our monthly meeting with a social gathering and taste some Sower’s Cup beer!

When you enter a beer into a competition like the Sower’s Cup, you enter two bottles. If your beer makes the grade and goes to the Best-of-Show round, the second bottle moves on up. If it doesn’t get a first, then it either goes down the drain or gets filed away until an opportunity arises. That opportunity will be on the first Sunday of November. We’ll meet at 2 o’clock and then cover some club business with a brief meeting at 3:00.

We’re gathering at Doug Finke’s new place: 4850 Quarry Ledge Road, Roca, Nebraska. It’s about 20 minutes south from central Lincoln. Yes, long-time members have lots of fond memories of Big Brews and gatherings out at Doug’s old place on A Street. All good things must come to an end, however, the new place is going to be fun. Thank you, Doug, for hosting!

In addition to the leftover Sower’s Cup beer, bring along some of your own homebrew and an appetizer to share. See you at Doug’s on the 7th! Cheers!

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