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Past Blog Entries

Hi Folks!

The new site is slowly taking shape! So far, I’ve got the blog and forum both created, and the main frameset page put together.

I still need to fine-tune the navigation bar in the above header, and also, keep transferring files from the old server space. Until then, most of the Navigate: links above aren’t going to work.

Feel free to visit the new forum – it’s currently empty, I’m looking into whether we can migrate our old threads or not. You will need to create a new forum account, but that should only take a moment.

In the meantime, if you see anything that is drastically out of place, please tell me. Thanks very much!

10/14: Newsletters is online!

10/15: Narrative is online! (History drop-down -> Narrative, OR click “About Lincoln Lagers” under “Pages” in the blog.

10/16: Forum is fixed – bug was not allowing New Threads to be created. Forum Theme is now in place. Custom forum header is in place. Manually transferring the old blog updates is in progress.

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