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Happy New Year 2014, everybody! This is a pretty awesome year for our organization — because we’re turning 21!

If you have ideas about how we should celebrate this momentous occasion, jump in on the Facebook page and let us know what you think!

In the meanwhile… just like a finicky batch of beer, we’re still trying to get the February meeting plan to ferment out “just right”, so while you wait, here’s a teaser… the newly-printed batch of Lincoln Lagers business cards just arrived in time for the big Winterfest Ales & Auction this weekend! (Tickets are on sale at T.O. Haas locations now, follow @AAFLincoln on Twitter for more details.)

Lagers Biz Cards reprint

Oh yeah… and speaking of Winterfest… you probably want to know what’s going to be on tap? I’ve got that in store for you too. Enjoy!

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