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Lee’s Chicken

December Club Meeting

Oz & Jan’s Famous Lee’s Chicken – 1940 W. Van Dorn St.
Thursday, December 1st, 2016 – 6:30-9:00pm

Come early to eat dinner! – Meeting Business held at 7:30pm.

Officer Elections: We will hear from the 2017 Officer Nominees about how they can serve our homebrew club next year – and we’ll cast our (paper) ballots.

Educational Topic: Sanitation & Sanitization presented by Jason McLaughlin

Homebrew Policy: your beverages are welcome, please keep your sampling confined to the designated meeting area only.

December Social Meet-Up:

Ploughshare Brewing Co. 1630 P St.
Tuesday, December 13th, 2016 – 5:00-8:00pm

No agenda – No itinerary – Just good old fashioned friendship and brews. Join us any time – Don’t stress over running late, or leaving early. Come as you are – Wear a Lagers shirt if you want to! Please, no homebrew at this event.

January Meeting & Pot Luck

Join us on Saturday, January 7th, 2017 at the home of Brian & Janet Allison as we celebrate the New Year with our annual tradition of good food, drink, and company.

Bring your finest pot-luck dish (any course!) and fun homebrews or rarities to share. Renew your membership, reserve your Stars hockey tickets, and find out who your 2017 club officers will be! More details soon.

Lee's Chicken LogoWe’re going back to Oz & Jan’s Famous Lee’s Restaurant for the FeBREWary meeting on Thursday, Feb. 7th!

Come early for some tasty chicken! Then, we’ll have our meeting once everyone has gotten their fill.

We will start getting together around 6:30pm or so – The first hour will be set aside to order food & chow down – then we will begin the proper Meeting at or shortly after 7:30pm.

Lagers member Aaron Carnes will be giving us an introduction to brewing with electricity, and will have a couple of his pieces of brew gear to Show’n’Tell with the club!

Also, this will be your last chance (in person at a meeting, at least!) to buy your tickets for the Lincoln Lagers 2013 Beer Bus Trip! Don’t miss out on this awesome excursion featuring Tallgrass Brewing, Liquid Bread and Gella’s Diner, and our friends at Thunderhead Brewery!

Forum thread here for discussion:  –  We can’t wait to see you at Lee’s Restaurant!

Lee's Chicken Logo We’re going to Lee’s Chicken for the next meeting…
Thursday, February 2nd
7 to 10 pm…
1940 West Van Dorn Street…
Lee’s has been a Lincoln icon for more than six decades. Lots of room for us to do brew business.
Come early for chicken and bring some brew to share! Score your tickets for the bus trip!
See you on Groundhog Day at Lee’s!

[lg_image folder=”2012 Feb Meeting Lees Chicken/” image=”Stitch 3_small.jpg” caption=”Panoramic shot of the beer drinkin\’ & food enjoyin\’ in action.” display=”thumb”]

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