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brown ale

[lg_image folder=”2010 Big Brew/” image=”TPIX003.jpg” caption=”Photo from Big Brew 2010″ align=”left” display=”thumb”]LOCATION: 1601 SW 50th Street (map)

Lagers, the 2012 AHA Big Brew is quick upon us!  Our very own hop abuser (aka Doug Finke) has agreed to again host this always-fun event on Saturday, May 5th.  We will be making our beer wort using the AHA’s posted Big Brew recipe called “Bucksnort Brown Ale“.

The Lincoln Lagers’ May 2012 Club Meeting will be held in conjunction with the Big Brew!  THE CLUB MEETING IS AT 2:00PM. Even if you do not participate in the Big Brew, please try to come out to Doug’s for the meeting portion of the day!

Any beers produced from our big batch of Bucksnort Brown Ale wort will be qualified for the 2012 Lincoln Lagers Club Challenge. Votes will be cast, and the winner will receive a special opportunity – the chance to brew their beer with Brian and the team at Blue Blood Brewing Company!

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