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annual Lagers picnic

Reminder #1: THIS SATURDAY is the Lagers Annual Picnic hosted at SteveO’s house. Click here to visit the forum featuring the full story.

Reminder #2: TODAY, at 4pm, the registration will open for the upcoming Lazlo’s/Empyrean Ales’ Beer Quest – featuring the return of the “X-periment-ale” contest. Click “more” to read the letter from Jim at Empyrean Ales, and to see all of the details.

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Mark your calendars for Saturday, July 10, for the annual picnic. Steve Olsen will be hosting. More details will be coming very soon.

If you haven’t sent in your T-shirt size, then please do it now. Professional artists are working as we speak on the new design. You can email Kim T. with your selection – or – if you don’t have his email address, you can register on our forum and send him a private message.

Two more current events to share:

Tonight (Wednesday): Meet the Brewers’ party with Nebraska Brewing Company at Bricktop. Keg is tapped at 5PM Tonight!
Featuring a very special Gravity keg for us with their Brown Ale dry hopped in the keg with Cascade and Chinook hops.

Tomorrow (Thursday): Don’t forget to stop by during the evening at Misty’s Downtown for the Modern Monks’ Grand Opening!! Starts at 5:30PM.
Buy your first beer at regular price, keep the glass and get $2 refills. Stay for dinner and leave sporting a cool new Monks & Misty’s t-shirt.

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