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Please join us Thursday, December 6th at 7:00pm for our December Club Meeting. We will be visiting the brand-new Zipline Brewing Co., where our host, Zipline head brewer and Lagers member Marcus Powers, will offer us a tour of their facility. Plus, we get to try some of Zipline’s beer!

Click here for the Lagers’ Forum Thread, including address & directions:

Agenda items for December include…

– Tour of the Zipline brew house
– 2013 Lagers Bus Trip announcement & ticket sales
– Last Call for Volunteers to donate beer & pour at Winterfest Ales & Auction, sign up by 12/25! Contact Chris E. for more info.
– Registration opens in late Dec. for the Upper Mississippi Mash-Out Homebrew Comp.
– The next AHA Club Only Comp. for Jan./Feb. 2013 is the theme “Un-Session Beers” – beers over 1.040. List of acceptable styles on the Lagers’ Forum.
– KC Biermeisters 30th Annual Comp. is coming soon, held on Feb. 15 & 16, 2013.

Huge Congratulations to Lagers member & Beer Quest Winner Tim Thomssen!

Tim has been a very busy braumeister this year: First, he brewed all of those single-hop IPAs for the Hop Tasting early on in 2012, and then cranked out batches of Cheech & Chong Pale Ale like it was going out of style. He also hosted numerous Lagers’ events at his house, and spent his time crafting the super-swanky Lagers Beer Tap Tower that has already seen a lot of action this year… The list goes on, and on!

But somehow, Superman Tim still managed to find enough time to brew a wicked “Smashed Out Of Your Gourd Pumpkin Ale” which cleaned up the competition at Lazlo’s Beer Quest on Sunday, November 11, 2013. Job well done, Tim, and thanks for representing the Lagers at the event! You rock!

Come join us on Saturday, November 3, 2012 at 11:00am for the November Club Meeting. (For address, map, and discussion, go visit the Forum Thread!)

Misty's Downtown

This month, we will be celebrating AHA Learn To Homebrew Day by hosting a demonstration in which we brew a batch of beer on the front patio at Misty’s Steakhouse. Bring your spouse, friend, mum, or anyone else who is interested in the transformation of grains into liquid cheer. Watch while beer is being made right before your eyes, then enjoy one of the Modern Monks’ ales at the bar inside!

We will also be hosting the 2nd Annual Lincoln Lagers Equipment Swap Meet. Bring any extra equipment, parts, ingredients, or what-else-have-you that you want to get rid of – and peruse the selections of our other attendees’ Spare Parts Bins for, let’s say, that 5/8″ Double-Reverse-Threaded Beer Oxygenation Inline Tubing Insert Fitting that you’ve always needed to buy and never got around to searching for. (Actual availability of 5/8″ Inline Insert Fittings is subject to change.)

Last year, some of the swap meet “highlights” were: Corny Kegs, Extra Fermenters, Small Plastic Parts & Pieces, Hops, Hardware, Antiques, Bottle Cappers, and more. Of course, you’ll want to bring a few bucks with you in case something catches your eye!

So get ready for the quickly-arriving Winter season, take a second, clean out your Brew Box, and find all of those bits, bobs, and unfinished projects that are destined to collect dust – and maybe you will turn them into a fistful of bills towards your next Triple IPA hop bill!!

Date: Saturday, October 6th, 2012
Time: 5:00 pm – Whenever
Address: 330 South 44th St.

In addition to the monthly meeting activities, Ryan is hosting his annual commercial beer tasting, “The Hair of the Un-Bitten Dog”.

As usual, we encourage all of those attending to bring a commercial or homebrew to share.  Ryan will have some delicious meats to eat, but please bring a SIDE DISH.

Once again this year, Ryan will also going to hold a “Best of Show Competition” between the homebrewers. This competition will be based on the people’s choice. Everyone in attendance will have a vote to determine the “Best of Show Winner.” The winner will have their name placed on a traveling trophy and awarded a cash prize.

We have a small change to the format for the competition on Saturday (10/6/2012)! Due to the potentially large number of entries, we will limit the quantity to the first 20 that show up and register. The fee is only $1. Plus, all beers should be under 8% ABV. Ryan will need to sign you in at the meeting on Saturday. Arrangements for entries can be made with Ryan by contacting him at Judging will be done Saturday at the meeting, it will *not* be done Friday night as previously announced.

See you in October! And don’t forget about the Nebraska State Stroke Foundation’s Okto-Beerfest tasting event, which is coming up soon on Thursday, October 11, 2012 at the Lancaster County Event Center. You can check out the Event’s Facebook Page here, or you can go directly to the Four Star Gifts web site to buy tickets!

You should definitely consider attending this fantastic night of fermented offerings, firstly to cheer on your fellow Lincoln Lagers who will be serving our homebrewed beers at the event, but also to check out all of the breweries & wineries in attendance and to support the Foundation!

Edit: The event was a blast, everything went really well!! Check out our photos here:

The Lincoln Lagers are excited to serve a selection of our home-brewed beers to the public at the Great Nebraska Beer Fest, this coming Saturday, August 25, 2012! 

This Saturday, August 25, 2012 – the Lincoln Lagers will be serving our beer at the Great Nebraska Beer Festival! Continue reading

That’s right, it’s time for the much-awaited, eagerly-anticipated Annual Lincoln Lagers Picnic! Featuring our annual Pull Out Your Best Bottles Of Mead contest, judged by our own Lady Lagers.

We’ll have smoked ribs & other such foods for this year’s Pot-Luck Dinner – if you are bringing a side, etc. that also needs to go onto the smoker, please show up a bit early to allow it enough time to smoke. Feel free to bring non-smoked sides or apps as well, and Tim says he will have a few open taps ready, in case you want to bring a keg of your beer! (Or hey, a keg of anyone‘s beer!)

This year’s picnic will be Saturday, September 8th at 6:00 PM.

(For those Husker Football fans out there, this is the evening of our Away Game against the UCLA Brew-ins at 6:30pm Central time zone. The game will be playing on a TV somewhere at our picnic, don’t worry!)

This year we will also have the Bolzen Beer Band joining us! COOL, MAN!

Watch the Forum Thread for details, here is the link: – the Address will be posted there, with a Google Maps link.

Please RSVP by posting on the Forum Thread, so that we have a good idea of our head count for buying meat, etc.!!! Yeah, I know, I know, we practically never ask for RSVPs, but we want to make sure everyone gets well-fed! So – What are you waiting for?! See you at the Picnic!!!

First, a big ol’ congratulations goes out to AHA Big Brew/Lincoln Lagers Challenge winner Paul Breitkreutz! Paul’s variation of the AHA Bucksnort Brown Ale will be brewed by Blue Blood Brewing Co.

The whole club will be invited to help Paul on brew day, so stay tuned for the date and time.

Image: Challenge winner Paul B. helping to stir in the Brown Ale mash, alongside Doug F. on stirring drill and Terry S. on grain dumping duty.

Next Meeting information:

Date: Saturday, August 4th, 2012
Time:  5:00 PM
Location: Tim Thomssen’s house – see Forum Thread for address and map.
Forum Thread:

Watch a mead demonstration – or even make a batch of mead alongside your fellow Lagers! The club will even provide you with yeast & nutrient for your batch.

Jason is organizing a bulk honey buy for anyone who wants in on it, best way to get in touch is to email Jason – or else post in the forum thread so he can get in touch with you.

More details coming soon. Watch this post, or keep an eye on the forum and our Facebook page.

Join the Lagers at Brews & Blues At The Zoo where our members will be donating our Homebrewed Beer towards a great cause – Stop by and have some of our beer, have some other local Nebraska beers, listen to great music, and support the Zoo! Click on the image below to visit the Zoo web page to get more info and buy your tickets! $25 in advance, or $30 at the door.

Lagers! Sorry for the late Blog post – hopefully you already saw the forum thread that has been set up to discuss the July 2012 meeting! If you did not see it until now, y’all don’t be scared of us, get them hands dirty and dig into our Forum and our Facebook page!

Now that you have those links tucked away, it’s time for me to post some details! Here ya go:

Date: THIS THURSDAY, July 12th, 2012, at 7:00 PM.

Address: 5000 Tipperary Trail – click for Google Map.

Agenda: Judging each of our individual batches of the 2012 AHA Big Brew Day – Bucksnort Brown Ale from May 2012. The winner’s beer will be brewed by Blue Blood! Cool, huh?

Bring: 3 x 12oz bottles of your Challenge entry. Other beer that you want to share. Snacks if you want to share those too.

Come join us for the June 2012 Lincoln Lagers’ Club Meeting, which will be held at Empyrean Brewing Company.

The June meeting is this coming Thursday (June 7th) at the Empyrean Brew House (not the loading dock).

You can enter through the restaurant or alley entrance.  Rich will be giving a short presentation, and Jim mentioned he has some Maris Otter, white wheat, Weyermann Carared he is hoping to get rid of at cost, so bring your $.

Date: Thursday, June 7, 2012    Time: 7:00 PM

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