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Misc. Babble

Odds ‘n Ends go here.

I apologize for the downtime.

The forums are down, and won’t be back up at least for a few hours, possibly a day or two.

EDIT 4/14: FORUMS ARE BACK UP. You will need to re-register your account.

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If you are a bit confused by the domain name, don’t worry. is one of my spare domain names, which I used for setting up the server space and testing the new design. As we iron out the details in transitioning the web site to its new home, you should see the test domain name disappear from most places.

Once the transition is complete, everything will once again refer to In the meantime, thanks for being patient with us during construction, and a BIG thanks to Brian Allison for all of his help behind-the-scenes in transferring the site over.

Have you RDWHAHB’ed yet today? :)


Hi Folks!

The new site is slowly taking shape! So far, I’ve got the blog and forum both created, and the main frameset page put together.

I still need to fine-tune the navigation bar in the above header, and also, keep transferring files from the old server space. Until then, most of the Navigate: links above aren’t going to work.

Feel free to visit the new forum – it’s currently empty, I’m looking into whether we can migrate our old threads or not. You will need to create a new forum account, but that should only take a moment.

In the meantime, if you see anything that is drastically out of place, please tell me. Thanks very much!

10/14: Newsletters is online!

10/15: Narrative is online! (History drop-down -> Narrative, OR click “About Lincoln Lagers” under “Pages” in the blog.

10/16: Forum is fixed – bug was not allowing New Threads to be created. Forum Theme is now in place. Custom forum header is in place. Manually transferring the old blog updates is in progress.

This is a placeholder for the new Lincoln Lagers’ website. The old site is not happy, so the new site must go up. Work in progress, check back soon. Also watch for the old Blog posts to start popping up.

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