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Kim T.

JANUARY! Time for the annual holiday get together!

It’s just about time for the Lincoln Lagers’ “Annual Post-holiday Get Together Pot Luck and Homebrew Celebration.” Doug Finke has offered up his “back garage and man cave” for the get together. We’ll be getting things going at 5 o’clock. Please bring along a side dish to go along with the beef brisket, which is courtesy of the club. As always, bring along some good beer – homebrew or commercial – to share with your fellow homebrewers.

In addition to food and beverages, you can renew their annual membership, only $25 for the calendar year. reserve your spot on the annual Lincoln Lagers’ bus trip.

Something new for this year’s party will be the inaugural bottle exchange. If you wish to participate, here are the details: Bring along a wrapped bottle of something to exchange. It could be beer, wine or spirits. This isn’t necessarily a traditional “white elephant” exchange – there will be no stealing. It’s just something fun to do. So bring a wrapped bottle of something – something that you wouldn’t mind receiving yourself. We’ll give you a ticket and then when it’s time, we’ll pull tickets out of the hat. When we pull yours, you pick a bottle from the table. Exchanges after the fact are on your own.

Cheers! See you at Doug’s!

What else is happening in the brew club?

  • The Nebraska Shoot Out date is now set for June 30.
  • It’s time to enter your beer in the Kansas City Bier Meisters 37th annual competition: Winter Buzzzz!
  • Read about the Lincoln Lagers and the Sower’s Cup featured in the January/February issue of Zymurgy.

All that and more in the latest Brewsletter of the Lincoln Lagers Homebrew Club. Cheers and Happy Brew Beer to all!



We’re excited to check out Backswing’s latest brews. Check out their website here.

No agenda, however, if you want to reserve your spot on the club bus trip, there should be members of the Bus Trip Committee in attendance to take your cash or check and pick your seat! Plus here the latest about the club’s holiday party in January. Cheers!


DECEMBEER – Why aren’t you brewing this weekend!?

Lagers! We are back to our annual Decembeer meeting at Lee’s Chicken (S. Coddington and W. Van Dorn)! Join us on Thursday, Dec. 5, at 6 o’clock for some chicken and homebrew! We’ll have some beer business at 7, followed by a battle of porters versus stouts. Our friends at Lee’s always show us a great time and we look forward to everybody joining in the chicken fun!

It’s that time of year where we’re seeking your help in nominating our officers for the next go round. We’ll be taking nominations to the end of November and starting our voting process at our December meeting.

Please send your nominations to Offices include: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Events Coordinator, Membership Coordinator, and Social Media/Newsletter Coordinator.

Porter vs. Stout – Can you tell the difference? Is it only the malted barley or the unmalted roasted barley? Where does that coffee flavor come from? Maybe it’s the black malt? What about a coffee porter? Can anybody agree? Can we settle this dilemma? We’ll try. Please let us know if you can submit a porter or stout. We’d prefer to have all homebrews for this exercise, but we’ll commercial if necessary. Contact Kim at and let him know if you can contribute two bottles. Thanks!

The next-in-a-series, long awaited, much anticipated members’ survey is now ready for your input! If you would please click right here and give us your input. This ten-question survey focuses on our club’s activities and monthly meetings. If you pour a beer and sit down at the survey, upon completion you’ll have most of your beer left. It shouldn’t take you more than three or four minutes to blast through this. This is your club! Tell us what you think and thank you in advance! Cheers!


It will be here before ya know it! Reserve your seat with an early bird tickets at the DecemBEER meeting at Lee’s. They’re only $35 before the end of the year and you’ll save $5 on the beer bus. Prices will rise to $40 for members and $50 for non-members after Jan. 1, 2020. Where are we going in 2020? We are headed to Jukes Ale Works in Elkhorn, Marto Brewing in Sioux City and Divots Brewery in Norfolk. You don’t want to miss this one!


  • THE LINCOLN LAGERS SOCIAL: Join us at the Back Swing on Thursday, Dec. 19, for the monthly social. No agenda. Just Backswing beer!
  • THE ANNUAL HOLIDAY POT LUCK PARTY: Saturday, Jan. 11, 2020, at Doug Finke’s place. Details to follow!
  • THE 2020 BUS TRIP: Mark your calendars for the most fun you can have on a bus – The Annual LL Bus Trip – Saturday, Jan. 25, 2020. More details at the meeting!

More information about the Lincoln Lagers in the monthly newsletter! Click here for the Brewnews. Click here to take our short survey! Let us know if you can bring a porter or stout to the meeting! Cheers!

NOVEMBEER – It’s Officially Brewing Season!

Homebrewers! Come join the Lincoln Lagers for the next monthly meeting and some brew at The Happy Raven on the first Thurs., Nov. 7, 2019. Bring some homebrew and socialize at 6, followed up with brief beer business at 7. This month we’ll be chatting about the annual bus trip (Sat., Jan. 25, 2020), the upcoming elections (not that one, the one for the club in January), and Jeff Anderson will do B.E. (beer ed) on kettle souring. Let’s hope Jeff brings some samples!


  • THE LINCOLN LAGERS SOCIAL: Join us at the White Elm on Thursday, Nov. 21, for the monthly social. No agenda. Just White Elm beer!
  • DECEMBER MEETING: We’re heading out to Lee’s Chicken, Thursday, Dec. 5. We’ll plan some merry beery tasting for your palate.
  • THE LINCOLN LAGERS SOCIAL: Join us at the Back Swing on Thursday, Dec. 19, for the monthly social. No agenda. Just Backswing beer!
  • THE ANNUAL HOLIDAY POT LUCK PARTY: Saturday, Jan. 11, 2020, at Doug Finke’s place. Details to follow!
  • THE 2020 BUS TRIP: Mark your calendars for the most fun you can have on a bus – The Annual LL Bus Trip – Saturday, Jan. 25, 2020. More details at the meeting!

Important Announcement!

We’re moving the Lincoln Lagers Monthly Social! We want to give a big shout out to Jake’s Cigar & Spirits! We invaded their cooler space and they have given us so much support to this year’s Sower’s Cup! Please drop in for a beverage, socialize and say thanks!

The Monthly Social: No agenda. Just beer.


Note: The next monthly club social will be Thurs, Nov. 21, at the Green Flash Brewhouse & Taproom! Cheers!

Brewers! Believe it or not, it’s almost OctoBEER! Come join us for some brew at the Happy Raven on Thurs., Oct. 3, 2019, for the monthly meeting. As per the established format, we’ll be doin’ some socializin’ at 6 and beer business-in’ at 7. The main order of business will be our biggest event of the season: The Sower’s Cup.


It’s just around the corner! The main event takes place on Friday and Saturday, Oct. 11 & 12, 2019, at the IBEW Hall, 1409 Old Farm Rd, in Lincoln. Additional opportunities are everywhere and it would be awesome if every one of our members could help out.

Tuesday through Thursday, Oct. 8-10, will be our preliminary judging sessions; we’ll need judges and stewards. On Sunday, Oct. 13, we’ll need some help cleaning up.

And don’t forget to enter your home brew! As of this posting, we have 447 entries, with a cap at 500. Midnight on Monday, Oct. 30 is THE DEADLINE. Time is running short. Register and log ’em in right now!

We want to thank the SC committee for all the hard work they’ve done so far. We want to find a spot for you to help. This is YOUR event! It’s loads of fun and there’s lots of beer!

Go here for all your questions and comments. You can also find out more information about the event by clicking the Sower’s Cup tab at the top of this page and you can get us on Facebook.



  • THE LINCOLN LAGERS SOCIAL: Join us at the Green Flash on Thursday, Oct. 17, for the monthly social. No agenda. Just Green Flash beer!
  • NEXT FESTIVAL: Next on the festival circuit is THE NEBRASKA HARVEST ALE FESTIVAL! This event is happening in Plattsmouth, Neb., on Saturday, Oct. 19.
  • NOVEMBER MEETING: Another fun-first-thirsty Thursday get together at the Happy Raven on Thurs., Nov. 7.
  • DECEMBER MEETING: We’re heading out to Lee’s Chicken, Thursday, Dec. 5. We’ll plan some merry beery tasting for your palate.
  • THE 2020 BUS TRIP: Mark your calendars for most fun you can have in a bus – The Annual LL Bus TripSaturday, Jan. 25, 2020. More details at the meeting!


The September meeting is coming up! We’re at the Happy Raven on the first Thursday, September 5th. Social hour at 6 and club business at 7. Please bring some homebrew or mead or cider to share!

The inaugural Capital City Oktoberfest is right around the corner! It will be held out at Gateway Mall on Sept. 7 & 8. We’re still looking for some beer (or mead or cider) and volunteers for both the Lincoln Lagers’ booth and for the event in general. If you have beverages and/or want to volunteer, contact us here for the club booth and here for the festival. Don’t forget: all members of the Lincoln Lagers club will get a 20% discount on admission. Let’s help them make this event a huge success and celebrate the return of homebrewed beer to Nebraska’s beer festivals!

Don’t forget the Lagers’ Fall Picnic on Saturday, Sept. 21. This annual potluck will be out at Tim & Theresa Thomssen’s place. Bring a side dish, chairs and, of course, homebrew and your best mead. We’ll talk the Lady Lagers into judging the annual mead contest. Plus, we’ll be celebrating former Lagers’ president and Modern Monk Dave Oenbring. More details in the September Brewsletter.

The Sower’s Cup is scheduled for October 11 & 12. Registration is open. We will need entries and volunteers! As of this posting we’re closing in on 200 early registration with a goal of hitting 500! Hit up the Facebook page for the latest info. Go here for the official entry information and the rules. The page on this site will be a work in progress. Check in frequently for the latest sponsor updates.

Fall is right around the corner! Stay cool! Cheers!

The inaugural Capital City Oktoberfest (CCO) – a Lincoln celebration of community and beer – takes place on Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 7 & 8, at the Gatweay Mall. After the recent change in the state laws, this will be our first opportunity to serve homebrewed beer to the public. The Lincoln Lagers will be there and we need your cooperation!

From the Start: The CCO would like five gallons of homebrewed beer (preferably a German style) for the opening “Ceremonial Tapping.” We will get some publicity, note the return of homebrew to public events, and kickoff the event. At the August meeting, Doug Finke volunteered to brew a German beer for this request. Thank you, Doug!

Brew Demo: The organizers would like the Lincoln Lagers to provide a brewing demonstration. We will brew five gallons of beer per day (maybe ten, depending on setup and the brewers involved). One or two brewers would brew their choice of beer with one or two additional volunteers answering questions of the attendees. On Saturday, the brewing session starts after the ceremonial first tapping and will start at noon on Sunday.

Ice and Electricity: There will be no access to running water, so we’ll have to bring our own for chilling. The CCO will provide ice, so in addition to keeping our homebrew cold, we’ll use that for chilling. They will provide generators for electricity; we’ll need to bring a pump circulate ice water for the chilling.

Serving Homebrew: The Lagers will provide at least two or three five-gallon kegs of beer with two servers per day who would be in charge of serving small samples/tasters. The sampling schedule is to be determined. We will NOT be continuously pouring our homebrew, and not accepting tickets in exchange for beer. We will not be using the tap tower for this; picnic taps will be sufficient.

Volunteering: For each volunteer or five-gallon donation, the CCO will wave the entry fee and provide beer and food tickets. If we have more member volunteers than we need and you still want to be part of this exciting event, there are lots of opportunities available to help. Click here and sign up!

More Info: If you want to volunteer or need more information, please contact Kim Theesen or Lacy Phillipe.

Click here for the official Oktoberfest website.

It’s just about time for our August meeting! We’re back at the Happy Raven on the first Thursday of the month: August 1. Socializing at 6 and beer business at 7. Bring some homebrew to share!

In addition to regular business: after homebrew was declared legal to serve to the public, we’re looking at a return to the festival circuit. The first opportunity will be the inaugural Capital City Oktoberfest, to be held on the weekend of Sept. 7 & 8. Annie & Fidel from Perfect Pour Magazine will be sharing the event details at the August meeting.

While you’re updating your fall calendar, make a note on Saturday, Sept. 21. This will be our annual Lincoln Lagers picnic. Once again, we’ll be out at Tim & Theresa Thomssen’s place. Bring a side dish, chairs and, of course, homebrew and mead. In addition to the always awesome atmosphere, we’ll convince the Lady Lagers to judge the annual mead contest. And most importantly, we’ll be celebrating former Lagers’ president and Modern Monk Dave Oenbring. More details in the August Brewsletter.

Stay cool! Cheers!

We are fast approaching our July meeting! So we can celebrate Independence Day with friends and family, we’re moving the meeting to the second Thursday of the month. For this meeting, we will be showcasing the beers we brewed during the 2019 Big Brew at Doug Finke’s place. Tim T and Dean the Dream will be on hand to choose one of those beers for scale up at Boiler Brewing Co. In addition, we’ll award prizes for the favorite brews, plus we’ll have a special beer ‘n’ food pairing. See you on July 11 at the Southwood Clubhouse, 5000 Tipperary Trail.

Have a safe and happy 4th of July! Cheers!

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