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What’s happening with the Lagers?

Monthly Meeting: Thursday, Octobeer 12, Cosmic Eye Brewing. Social hour at 6 p.m. with business at 7 p.m. We’ll be reviewing the Sower’s Cup. Come and review the event. We want your ideas and feedback!

New-to-Brew Day: Saturday, Octobeer 21, at Sam & Scott’s place. For first-time brewers, Sam & Scott will host a multi-brew day!

“We’re going to do an extract brew on a propane burner, an all-grain electric brew (in an all-in-one 110V Brewzilla), and an all-grain with some traditional homebrew equipment. We’ll provide all of the food (smoked meats and BBQ sides). We would like to ask you to do what you do best, BREW (and drink) GREAT BEER! Anyone who wants to brew a beer and hang out is more than welcome to come and join in. Please RSVP so we know how much food to make. We will have the leftover kegs from the Sower’s cup as “inspiration” as we brew. Let’s have some fun!

“Also, if you happen to have any friends or acquaintances who would be interested in experiencing brew day, reach out and see if they’d like to join us! We would appreciate it if you have them reach out to me either over email or via Facebook to RSVP as well.”

Novembeer Meeting: Thursday, Novembeer 2, Cosmic Eye Brewing

Decembeer Meeting: Thursday, Decembeer 7, Lee’s Chicken

Say “Thank you” and be sure to visit our 2023 Sower Cup Table Sponsors!

Table 1. Standard American Beer
Table 3. Czech Lager
Table 24. Special Category: Fresh-hopped Beer

The Hub

Table 2. International & Pale Malty Lager

Table 4. Festbier & Märzen

Table 10. British Isles Amber & Brown Ale

Table 5. Pale Bitter European Beer

Table 8. German Wheat Beer

Table 14. American Porter & Stout

Table 18. Trappist Ale

Table 6. Amber European Beer

Table 13. American Pale, Amber & Brown Ale

Table 7. Dark & Strong European Lager

Table 12. Strong Ale

Table 28. Fruit Mead

Table 21. Spiced Beer

Table 9. Commonwealth Pale & Bitter Beer

Table 25. Standard Cider and Perry

Table 27. Traditional & Specialty Mead

Table 11. British Isles Stout

Table 15. IPA


Table 16. Sour, Wild & Brett Beer

Table 22. Wood Beer

Table 26. Specialty Cider and Perry

Table 17. Belgian Ale

Stacy’s Sandhills Stay

Table 19. Strong Belgian Ale

Rory McLaughlin

Table 20. Fruit Beer 

Omega Yeast

Table 23. Odd Balls: Historical, Smoked, Specialty & Alternative Fermentables

Havelock Honey

Table 29. Spiced Mead


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