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social event

The January meeting is on Saturday 1/9/16 at 6pm. It’s held at a private residence – the address is in the club newsletter, and on our forum.

A quick note: Our January meeting/pot-luck holiday dinner event isn’t really the best representation of “what we do” for *brand new* folks who have never attended any club meetings before now – But if you’re already familiar with how the Lagers work, you’ve already decided you want to be a member, and you just need to take care of the formality of paying dues & joining up for 2016, then we welcome you to please join us at this private event.

We’ll be taking membership dues for 2016 ($30.00 – cash or check) – and electing our 2016 officers.
Bring your best pot-luck dish to share! (Any course)

If you’re not 100% ready to join, we encourage you to instead come visit us at our Club Social Event for the month of January. We’re hosting an informal pint night at Ploughshare Brewing Co. on Monday, 1/18/16 from 5:30-7:30pm – We’ll be in the Loft area.
(The policy regarding bringing your own beer to a Social Night event is subject to change each month – For January’s meet-up, please do NOT bring Homebrew with you to the Social Night.)

Our February meeting is Sunday, 2/7/16, from 2:00-4:00pm at The Happy Raven (and all are welcome to stay after 4pm to hang out!).

Our March meeting is Tuesday, 3/1/16, from 6:30-9:30pm at Zipline Brewing Co.

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