Mr. Josh Ames is our new president for 2009. Running on a “don’t let your meat loaf” platform, he promised that “Change in the Lincoln Lagers doesn’t start from the top down. It starts from the bottom up… just like those little bubbles rise to make a foamy head, I can be foamy too.” Terry Schwimmer will continue on as club treasurer and Chris Evans – with continued support from Brian Allison and Kim Theesen – will work on the website. Kim T. will also revise the Brew News schedule to a quarterly publication starting with March’s issue.
Thanks goes out to former El Presidente Jim Hust for his service in 2008 and to Brian & Janet Allison for hosting the January meeting. Lots of food and good beveages were enjoyed by all. For a complete run down on who brought what, check out the Lincoln Lagers forum. Oh, and it’s time to renew your membership! Contact Schwimbo and send him your money – Still only $25. Or you can give it to him at the FeBREWary meeting. Watch this blog for more details!
At NovemBEER’s meeting, we voted to use club funds to buy pizza for our DecemBEER meeting!
- El Presidente’s Clubhouse
- Thursday DecemBEER 4th
- 7:00pm
Topic is Kegging 101.
If you are a bit confused by the domain name, don’t worry. is one of my spare domain names, which I used for setting up the server space and testing the new design. As we iron out the details in transitioning the web site to its new home, you should see the test domain name disappear from most places.
Once the transition is complete, everything will once again refer to In the meantime, thanks for being patient with us during construction, and a BIG thanks to Brian Allison for all of his help behind-the-scenes in transferring the site over.
Have you RDWHAHB’ed yet today? :)
The Monthly Meeting is scheduled for the first Thursday of the month, Novembeer 6th. We’ll be at BBQ4U at 7 o’clock. Come hungry. Details and directions will be coming in the next issue of Brew News, or you can hit the Map on BBQ4U’s site.
No exact date/location has been set for November’s meeting yet – please keep checking here to see when and where we are going to meet up!
Hi Folks!
The new site is slowly taking shape! So far, I’ve got the blog and forum both created, and the main frameset page put together.
I still need to fine-tune the navigation bar in the above header, and also, keep transferring files from the old server space. Until then, most of the Navigate: links above aren’t going to work.
Feel free to visit the new forum – it’s currently empty, I’m looking into whether we can migrate our old threads or not. You will need to create a new forum account, but that should only take a moment.
In the meantime, if you see anything that is drastically out of place, please tell me. Thanks very much!
10/14: Newsletters is online!
10/15: Narrative is online! (History drop-down -> Narrative, OR click “About Lincoln Lagers” under “Pages” in the blog.
10/16: Forum is fixed – bug was not allowing New Threads to be created. Forum Theme is now in place. Custom forum header is in place. Manually transferring the old blog updates is in progress.
This is a placeholder for the new Lincoln Lagers’ website. The old site is not happy, so the new site must go up. Work in progress, check back soon. Also watch for the old Blog posts to start popping up.
Lincoln Lagers Monthly Meeting
Saturday, SeptemBEER 20, 2008
Host: Jim Hust
Forest Lake Estates Clubhouse & Pool
6934 Summerset Ct.
The long awaited, much anticipated LL Challenge will be checking in beers at 4 p.m. The Challenge to commence at 5. Add’l meeting details coming in the next issue of the Brew News…coming soon to your email.
Hey Lagers! How’s your summer going? Keeping well hydrated while you brew? Good!
August is a busy month, so I wanted to put a few dates and times up here for your reference!
- If you want to enter beers to the State Fair, the deadline is August 7th! It’s $5 for each beer that you enter. You can enter by snail-mail or online – see . They will send you labels, then you put the labels onto your clean unmarked 12oz bottles of homebrew, and take them in!
- If you want to judge or steward for the beer contest at the State Fair, you need to call Frank S. at Fermenters’ Supply to register. The judging is Saturday August 16th, and if you register to help, Frank requests that you be there by 8:30am SHARP. Thanks for your promptness.
- The 2008 Lincoln Lagers Picnic is Saturday, August 16th, in the afternoon/evening, at Steve O’s house. Address and directions will be in the upcoming newsletter, which should be out shortly after August 3rd or 4th. Watch the newsletter for more details! Come hungry, bring homebrew!
- The September 2008 meeting will be the Lincoln Lagers’ Brewing Challenge. (Date/Time TBA, watch the newsletter.) Most of those who are entering this challenge already have beer in the fermenter, getting ready to enter. If you want to get in, you still have just enough time! Go see the Forum for details and rules, and Kirk’s Brew to buy your entry kit!
- OktoBEERfest is Thursday October 9th, at the Lancaster Event Center at 84th and Havelock. Proceeds from this event benefit the Stroke Foundation. The Modern Monks will have a booth there too. We need both volunteers and beer donations! Steve says volunteers need to be available around 4:00pm to help set up, if possible.
If you want to brew 5 gallons to send to the event, or if you just want to hang out and serve beer, talk to Steve O and get on the list. You can find him on the forum, or at the August picnic!
- American Homebrewers Association
- Benson Homebrew Club – Benson (Omaha), NE
- Brauer Unterstützungs Verein – Omaha, NE
- Kansas City Biermeisters
- L.A.G.E.R.S. – Louisville, KY
- Local 402 Brewers Union – Omaha, NE
- OmaHops Brewing Club – Omaha NE
- Railroaders Brew Club – Omaha, NE
- South Omaha Brewers – Omaha, NE
- Benson Brewery – Omaha, NE
- Farnam House Brewing Co. – Omaha, NE
- Gottberg Brewery & Pub – Columbus, NE
- Infusion Brewing Co. – Omaha, NE
- Jaipur Brewing Company – Omaha, NE
- Lucky Bucket Brewing – Omaha, NE
- Nebraska Brewing Company – Omaha, NE
- Schilling Bridge Brewery & Winery – Pawnee City, NE
- Scratchtown Brewing – Ord, NE
- Thunderhead Brewing – Kearney, NE
- Upstream Brewing Co. – Omaha, NE