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Presenting Brewers In Arms #8: “Keep It 100!”

It’s time for the next installment in the Brewers In Arms Project, where we group brewers together into teams and assign them a fun task to complete together, requiring them to combine their ideas, ingredients, equipment, and techniques to brew a unique batch of beer and share it with the club! We are looking for 12 to 20 people, who randomly assigned to teams together. Sign up today – Don’t wait around!

This Challenge’s theme is: Brew a beer showcasing Centennial hops, “inspired by” Founders Centennial IPA and/or Bell’s Two Hearted Ale.

We will provide the Centennial pellet hops. You provide the malts of your choosing + everything else! What exactly “inspired by” means is ultimately up to your team to decide! We do ask that you use at least 50% Centennial hops in your recipe, but you can include other varieties if you’d like to.

Want to participate? Sign up is now closed! Stay tuned for the next BIA Sign Up coming at the end of June!!!

Sign up closes on Sunday, May 13th! Teams will be announced on Monday, May 14th.

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